Safety Is Our Business – Community Partnership Is Our Goal

Oil Production has been part of Beverly Hills’ heritage since 1900. Venoco has been safely operating during the modern era of that history for the past 20 years, and looks forward to continuing its operations for some time. We are proud of our reputation as a safe and reliable operator, community partner, and significant economic contributor to the City of Beverly Hills, the Beverly Hills Unified School District and hundreds of residents who own mineral rights. In fact, our operations in Beverly Hills have been recognized by the State regulatory agency overseeing oil and gas operations (Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resource) as the recipient of one of only six coveted safety awards distributed throughout the State! We take our unique location within the city seriously.

Venoco’s oil production from the Beverly Hills lease has resulted in over $32 million of royalty payments in the past 10 years. Royalties are used by the City of Beverly Hills for many things including public safety equipment and parks and recreation improvements while the royalties for the Beverly Hills School District are used for teacher salaries, learning resources, and school site maintenance. Additionally, royalties are also paid to hundreds of Beverly Hills residents who own mineral rights.

Venoco is eager to partner with Beverly Hills in supporting youth, education and this beautiful community while we strive to continue to safely and responsibly produce domestic oil and natural gas for
California’s expanding energy needs, helping to keep

imported crude away from California shores. As you begin to hear conversations about Venoco’s lease extension efforts, show your support by speaking up in favor. We need your help, too. Let’s work together to strengthen the community!
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For inquiries or comments,
please contact Pat Moran at (805) 745-2100,
or email